Benefits of keeping a dog at home

Benefits of keeping a dog at home

There are many reasons why dogs are called man’s best friend. Apart from being loyal and intelligent, many studies show that keeping a dog maintains body health.

Owning a dog can encourage you to be more physically active, and even happier. The following are a number of benefits of keeping a dog at home according to

1. Improves heart health

In several studies, keeping a dog at home is known to help reduce blood pressure and high cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

This is of course good for overall heart and blood vessel health.

Heart attack patients who keep dogs are also known to have a better quality of life than those who don’t keep dogs.

2. Improve mental health

According to research from the Journal of personality and social psychology (2011), someone who has a pet at home is known to be happier and healthier than someone who doesn’t keep a pet.

The reason is, spending a few minutes playing with pets can increase the production of the hormones serotonin and dopamine.

Both are chemical compounds in the brain that can improve mood or mood. No wonder you feel happy when interacting with your favorite dog.

The reaction of hormonal activity when playing with a pet is similar to the reaction that occurs when hugging a partner or seeing a beautiful view.

3. Reduces the risk of allergies

Most people are reluctant to keep furry pets at home because they are afraid of the risk of allergies they cause.

However, a study published in PLoS one (2018) actually found the opposite fact. Keeping a dog actually has the benefit of preventing allergies.

Children raised by parents who own pets, such as cats and dogs, tend to be at lower risk of developing allergies and asthma.

The chance of developing allergies decreases the more children interact with dogs or cats since they are babies.

Apparently, early contact with pets actually trains the body’s immune system to protect itself against exposure to bacteria and allergens.

4. Helps lose weight

Various studies have found that walking your dog every day can help you lose weight.

This is because these activities will force you to do moderate levels of physical activity, at least 10 – 30 minutes every day.

If you are someone who regularly walks your pet, consider making this activity a regular exercise.

Try to walk for longer while increasing your walking speed so it’s like a brisk walk.

5. Reduce the loneliness of the elderly

The next benefit of having a dog is that it helps overcome stress in the elderly. This has to do with your body’s reaction when you interact with your pet.

Petting your beloved dog can lower blood pressure and heart rate, calm nervous activity, and suppress the stress hormone, namely cortisol.

This reaction creates a calming, relaxed and relieved effect which can reduce loneliness. This problem is the main factor that triggers suicide in the elderly.

In the long term, the benefits of having a pet dog may also extend the life span of the elderly.

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